
Whenever you’re telling your story, you’re telling a story that’s never been told!

Whether it’s that wild family legend, that neighborhood corner store that keeps changing owners, or even that chronic pain in your body that you’ve been ignoring. Your story matters, and that is my WHY.

The reason I’ve been working in journalism since 2004 is because amplifying our perspectives and producing untold stories provides the type of insight that changes our world. And in everything I do, I work to center the voices of those in the communities I belong to, those whose stories aren’t always told in the media I consume.

I am a Peabody and Edward R. Murrow award-winning journalist, executive producing for National Public Radio. And as a journalist who started my career at 16 years-old by going on a personal investigation into figuring out my legal status in this country, my instinct has always been to ask hard questions about the world around me. I’ve done that as senior editor at LWC Studios, where I developed and launched The Oprah Winfrey Network original podcast, Trials To Triumphs; as executive producer for WNYC's The United States of Anxiety; as host of Slate’s Represent Rose, The Waves, and Brooklyn Deep’s Third Rail; as a producer, reporter, and editor for Radio Rookies, Family Ghosts, The Stakes; and now as a senior voice guiding the direction and growth of programming at NPR.

I live at the intersection of christian, Black, woman, African, immigrant, Bronx-girl, world traveler, and foodie (to name just a few ways I show up in the world), and I’ve worked to become a leader in journalism, so I can make space for voices-- as complicated and multifaceted as mine-- to be heard.